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2021 Cadet Executive Cadre, Squadron Commander Applications, and Head of Dining Services | Anoka County Composite Squadron

If you are interested in applying for the following positions, then this email is important for you…
CTG Commander

CTG Deputy Commander for Basic Learning (1st year students)
CTG Deputy Commander for Advanced Leadership (2nd year students)
CTG Executive Officer
CTG Squadron Commanders
CTG Head of Dining Services
Applications are now open for CTG Executive Cadre, Squadron Commanders, and Head of Dining Services.  To apply, send an email to the Commandant of Cadets, Lt Col Jay Sliwinski with the following information NO LATER THAN 1 DECEMBER 2020 at midnight.
1.  A memorandum-style cover letter written in IAW CAPR 1-2 and https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/members/publications/publications-management Memorandum Format
    1a.  This should include your vision for encampment or position(s) applied for.
    1b.  What positions you are applying for and in what order
    1c.  Why you think you are the best candidate,
    1d.  Anything else you would like to include.  Must not exceed two pages in length.
2.  A resume showing both CAP and nonCAP activities.
3.  An email from your Unit Commander to jay.sliwinski@mncap.org endorsing your application.  This can be short and is not a letter of recommendation, only approval for you to apply.
Be sure to read MNENC Pamphlet 030-1 Cadre Selection, located here to make sure you meet the grade requirements.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Lt Col Jay A. Sliwinski, CAP
Assistant Director of Cadet Programs
Encampment Commandant of Cadets
Starfish 220
Cell:  (763) 333-8733
U.S. Air Force Auxiliary