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2021 MNWG Encampment Announcement – Oct 27, 2020 | Anoka County Composite Squadron

From Wing Announcements, as posted by LtCol Sliwinski, Encampment Commandant of Cadets

All Potential Staff for 2021 Minnesota Wing Encampment,

In the next couple of weeks we will be opening the applications for Cadet Executive Cadre.  In a couple months we will be opening the applications for ALL CADRE.  It is important that everyone understand the requirements to be on staff for the encampment and be familiar with the Encampment Publications concerning selection.

Please make sure to read the encampment publication on Cadre Selection located here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d5hamz0-SQ4H-i57Sz0k5dx4yKR_5HWb0AtefubonFQ/edit?usp=sharing  This will let you know the minimum requirements for promotion and grade for each position.  There are a couple of exceptions for 2021.

1.  Since we didn’t have an encampment in 2020, we will use 1 July 2020 as the “end date” for encampment for reference purposes.  That means you need to have been promoted at least once since 1 July 2020 and your first selection activity.  A second promotion is required before EPS.

2.  We will be entertaining the option of using assistant flight commanders (C/2Lt and C/1Lt) in addition or in lieu of some of the flight sergeants.  This is due to the length of time between encampments.

3.  Applicants for Cadet Command Chief (CCC), First Sergeant (Sq/CF) and Flight Sergeants (Flt/CF) are waived from the promotion requirements as long as they hold the grade of C/CMSgt and have earned their dead rank by their date of application.

4.  We are considering an “officer flight” for cadets who have earned their Mitchell but not attended an encampment.  We are looking at staffing this with more experienced cadet cadre, likely the plan will be that it is to be commanded by at least a C/Capt with at least a C/Capt as the assistant flight commander.  The selection process for these positions may be tied in during the executive cadre selection weekend.

Known dates as of today:

CTG Commander Interviews: Jan 9

Rest of Exec Staff Interviews: Jan 23

CSE 19-21 March.

CTW 29 Apr – 2 May