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2021 MNWG Encampment Pre-Registration | Anoka County Composite Squadron

From MNWG Announcements:

Hello Minnesota Wing Cadets!

The Encampment season is quickly approaching! Encampment is one the most rewarding and fun experiences in a Cadet’s career.  The week-long event will develop cadets in the areas of  leadership, teamwork, and self-discipline to become the leaders of tomorrow.  As well, cadets will experience a variety of tours. The Encampment staff is working hard to make this year as fun and safe as possible and appreciate all the patience from the wing. This year has brought on new challenges and changes that we have not experienced in the past. We are taking the proper measures to ensure those participating will have valuable training, while remaining healthy.

The important information about encampment is:

Date: June 26 – July 3 (Saturday to Saturday)

Where: Camp Ripley (Little Falls, MN)

  1. There will no EPS (Encampment Prep School) this year

  2. There will be NO ALC (second year program) this year.

  3. We are reducing the structural size of Encampment from 3 Squadrons to 2 Squadrons.

  4. Flights will be isolated from each other as much as possible throughout the week.

  5. Meals will be prepackaged, and the dining hall will be closely monitored for distancing and numbers.

  6. We will have a hard cap of 72 students, this may be lowered if future guidance suggests lower numbers.

  7. We cannot require, but we would request all students and staff self-quarantine for two weeks prior to Encampment.

  8. We will take everyone’s temperature every morning, if someone has an elevated temperature they will be quarantined immediately and possibly be sent home.

  9. If any student or staff complains of being sick, they will be quarantined immediately and possibly sent home.

  10. We ask all parents to have a plan in place to pick up your cadet during the week if they need to be sent home.

  11. We are still working on a plan for graduation, but we know for sure it will not be like previous years, the PAO team will send out more information as we get closer to Encampment.

  12. It also goes without saying, masks will be required at all times during Encampment, we will provide disposable masks if needed, but we request staff and students purchase their own masks.

  13. The list will continue to evolve, so please be patient and flexible.

Because of the reduced number of students this year and the great need for Encampment credit, we will be prioritizing students based on the following.

  1. MN Cadets

  2. If you earned your Mitchell Award via an Encampment waiver.

  3. Age 14 by June 1st

  4. Date joined CAP

Due to the nature of this year, registration will be done differently. June 1st, 2021 will be the go/no-go date, which means that if Minnesota Wing is not in Phase 3 or in plan to be in Phase 3 before June 26th, 2021 encampment will be cancelled. The decision of encampment will be announced the week of June 1st. Please see the difference in registration:

  1. For those interested in attending encampment https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe88j88424Z3Ti-iv3k51OBhdFHiGe_ybGHf-vTsQrnAZ8OlA/viewform (MN Wing Encampment Pre-registration form)

  2. All pre-registrants will be placed on the waitlist, and will be notified by email

  3. On June 1st, if encampment is able to happen, those with a reserved spot will receive an email to complete the MNCAP application, submit payment, and send in the proper forms (CAPF-163, CAPF-162, and Permission Form).

Once the application window is open to those on the waitlist, it will not remain open for long. It is important that all who want to attend read all emails pertaining to encampment and turn in all parts of the registration quickly. All cadets who plan to attend Encampment will be required to produce a completed form CAPF 162, documenting proof of a physical completed within the past 12 months. No exceptions will be granted. Any cadet who has not received a physical in the past 12 months is encouraged to do so, to ensure completion before Encampment

The Encampment team is working hard to make this encampment possible, if you have any questions, please email encampment@mncap.org.