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2021 Phoenix Games | Anoka County Composite Squadron

2021 Phoenix Games

Sat Sept 25, 2021
Anoka Squadron Building and surrounding area

This is Anoka’s version of a Cadet Olympics competition.

Teams of 6 cadets will compete in the following events:

  • Drill Performance
  • Uniform Inspections
  • Quiz Bowl Tournament
  • Team Leadership Problem
  • Emergency Services Challenge Course
  • Physical Fitness Challenge
  • Aerospace Education Challenge Program
  • Impromptu Speech

Throughout this event, there will be both individual and overall team challenges. You can excel as an individual and as part of your team.

  • Drill Performance – Individual and team drill challenges
  • Uniform inspections (Blues & ABUs/BDUs) – Individual and overall team scores
  • Quiz Bowl Tournament – Encompass leadership, aerospace education, history of CAP, other content areas in a quiz bowl format where team vs team
  • Team Leadership Problem – using the provided scenario, solve the problem as a team
  • Emergency Services Challenge Course – navigate a carries course using all team members
  • Physical fitness challenge – individual and team scores
  • Aerospace Education Challenge – As a team, find the solution using provided materials
  • Impromptu Speech – One individual from each team will be given a topic with a set number of minutes before giving an impromptu speech

At the end of the competition, we’ll have an awards ceremony and present medals to our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
We are also creating a Phoenix Games Record Board to post at the squadron building with the winners and record holders for each event so we can update it every year after each edition of the Phoenix Games.

Lunch and snacks will be provided

Registration is open through August 26

Click here to sign up.

We need all cadets who plan to participate to sign up now. After Aug 26, Maj Albright will assign cadets to a team. Just like when you go to Encampment or Minnesota Leadership Academy, you will be assigned to a team. Each team will have 1 NCO, 1 Officer and 4 Airman phase cadets. We want every single active Anoka Cadet to be at this event.

Once you have your team assignment, as a team, you need to pick a team name, decide on a team shirt to wear during the event.

We’re SO excited for The Phoenix Games.