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2025 Summer Cadet Staff Applications Announcement | Anoka County Composite Squadron

This email announcement was sent to cadets and parents on March 16, 2025

Please read this overview completely.
It contains important information and timelines.

The next staff rotation will begin Tues, June 3, 2025 and end on Tues, Nov 25, 2025

Our selection process is carefully designed to allow us to operate effectively within these timelines; to allow for the stages of applications, interviews, selection and staff training, leading to a change of command and staff rotation.

This announcement is being sent ~ 3 weeks out from the first action date in this process

Again this year, the Cadet Commander will be selected first.
Then the incoming Cadet Commander will work with senior executive leadership to select the remaining Cadet Executive Staff.
The Cadet Executive Staff will work with Lt Col Albright to select the remaining Cadet Staff positions

Cadet Exec Staff Positions open include:

  • Cadet Commander
  • Executive Officer
  • Deputy Cadet Commander – 2 positions

Cadet Staff Positions open include:

  • Administration
  • Aerospace Education
  • Communications
  • Cyber
  • Emergency Services
  • Fitness
  • First Sergeant – multiple positions
  • Flight Commander – multiple positions
  • Flight Sergeant – multiple positions
  • Leadership – multiple positions
  • Public Affairs/Marketing
  • Recruiting & Retention
  • Safety
  • Supply

Note: There are multiple positions available for some categories.
We have 20+ staff positions to fillCurrent Position descriptions and responsibilities can be viewed here
You should also review the Cadet Staff Handbook.

We reserve the right to leave positions open should we deem it in the best interest of the squadron.

You will be asked to submit your Top 5 Staff Position preferences.
We will consider your preferences, but also have to take into account what is best for both individuals and the unit. Review the list of staff positions and have your Top 5 ready.

It’s important to note though we ask your position preferences, ultimately all staffing decisions will be made with the needs of the overall unit in mind. 

Applications Timeline

Apr 4 Cadet Commander Applications will open
Apr 11 Cadet Commander Applications will close at 9pm
Apr 11 Remaining Cadet Executive Staff Applications will open
Apr 15 Cadet Commander Interviews during the Anoka Meeting
Apr 18 Remaining Cadet Executive Staff applications will close at 9pm
Apr 22 Cadet Executive Interviews during the Anoka Meeting

Apr 28  Required Incoming Cadet Exec Staff Mtg w/LtCol Albright – 1800-2000*
May 2 Remaining Cadet Staff Applications Open
May 9 – Cadet Staff Applications Close at 9pm
May 17- Cadet Staff Selection Exercise – 0830-1300 @ Squadron Bldg (approximate)
May 31- Required Incoming Cadet Staff Training – 0830-1200 @ Squadron Bldg

All cadets will receive an email once applications for each group open.

For this application:

You will need to have two (2) documents created and ready to submit.
Take time now — in advance — to prepare your documents.

Hint: Do not write a book.
The goal of a resume and cover letter is to land an interview.
In the interview, you have the opportunity to go more in depth.

1. Resume in a standard format, emphasizing important CAP items.
You may include relevant non-CAP experiences/education, especially if you are newer to CAP.
We recommend you create your resume using the Technical Document information in CAPP 60-32 Staff Duty Analysis.

Use a professional template of your choice.
If this is your first time applying and you’ve never created a resume before, there are many templates available in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

View this sample resume.

However, you should customize your resume to fit your own experiences and beliefs that make you an ideal candidate.

Do not submit a resume in memorandum format.
That format is unacceptable and may result in your not being offered an interview slot.

2. Letter of Interest/Cover Letter

This is your chance to use your own words to make you stand out.
Tell me why you are awesome, why you are a great fit for staff, why you want to serve, what you’ll get out of it, how you’ll help others – in short, why you should get an interview.

Keep it to a single page, in your choice of format.
I’m not going to tell you what you “have to say” – everyone is an individual.
You can read job descriptions and if you’ve been active, you know a bit from observation what our operation is like. You also have the opportunity to ask questions now in advance of the application window opening.

If you need some ideas of what you could include, see these below.

  • Why you want to serve on cadet staff
  • What skills do you hope to use as a staff member
  • What skills do you want to build during your staff term
  • What qualities you have that make you a great team member
  • What role you want to play in Anoka’s goals in the next term
  • Any other aspects, qualities and/or skills about you that you think important for the evaluating team to know at the time of application

Flight Commander Applicants:
If you select Flight Commander as one of your top 5 positions, you must also submit three sample flight plans: one for a training flight, one for an Airman flight and one for a Staff Development flight.
Please see this link for flight plan submission requirements.

All required application elements must be received by 2100 on the deadline date for full consideration.

Ideal applicants:

  • Demonstrate commitment to advancing your education having earned a minimum 2 promotions in the last 12 months (does not apply to Eaker or Spaatz cadets)
  • Must be a current, active member.
  • Want to serve, learn and build your skills
  • Committed to consistent, timely email communication.

Staffing guidelines:
ALL Staff members are expected to do work outside of Tuesday meeting nights.

All eligible applicants will assessed in multiple events at an event in-person on Sat. May 17 from 0830-1300.

Attendance on May 17 is mandatory.
Pre-existing, extenuating circumstances may considered if immediately communicated to LtCol Albright
This means if you know you have conflict today, March 16, 2025 – you need to communicate that conflict today.
Otherwise, you are expected to prioritize this event. Work with your parents to ensure you are available.

Important Dates:
If you are selected for staff, these are important dates you need to have on your calendar:

Sat May 17 from 0830-1300 – Cadet Staff Interviews & Evaluation
You will be assessed over this entire period.

Sat May 31 from 0830-1300 Required Cadet Staff Training
All selected Cadet Staff will meet at the squadron building for initial training.
Sat. Aug 23 Mid-Term Cadet Staff Training – Time TBD

All dates are subject to modification due CAP operational directives.
We appreciate your understanding.

See the squadron visual Google Calendar on this page to click on and save these items to your personal calendar.

If you have questions during this application process, please direct your questions to Lt Col. Albright at mary.albright@gmail.com

Semper Vigilans,

Mary Albright Lt Col, CAP
Deputy Commander for Cadets