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Announcing the Launch of Phoenix Unit | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Introducing Phoenix Unit

Anoka continues to have a robust cadet program with a large number of experienced cadets active within the squadron.

We are creating a test program (commonly known as a pilot program when trying something new) to provide additional leadership opportunities for cadets that also support the squadron.

The working title of this test program is Phoenix Unit, but will be finalized by the first group of cadets.

This strategic detachment will be its own unit with a unique purpose and organizational structure. Cadets in this unit will have a “flight structure” for the purposes of formation and reporting, but will have differing schedules on meeting nights designed to meet Phoenix Unit objectives.

Responsibilities may include:

  • Squadron task/project management responsibilities, similar to those that military officers would have within squadron leadership structure.

  • These tasks/projects may be done by one person or a group of cadets within the unit, but all tasks are likely to be assigned to benefit the squadron as a whole.

  • Developing a Half-Tac position that will be the responsibility of one or more Phoenix Unit cadets

  • Group work with each other and/or other Anoka members on meeting nights and outside meeting nights

  • Serving in Squadron staff positions (Example: Squadron Asst Emergency Services Officer)

Since this is a pilot program, this first group will play a significant role in shaping its development and execution. 

As tasks and projects progress and are completed, reports should be submitted up the chain. Phoenix Unit will have its own unit commander, who will report directly to the Squadron Deputy Commander. However, cadets are still expected to continue to advance their own cadet training and education as cadet members.

Though Phoenix Unit has a chain of command outside the usual cadet program, customs and courtesies are expected to be rendered at all times to all cadets operating with the normal cadet chain of command. However, duty assignments within Phoenix Unit and responsibilities thereof will flow in its unique chain of command structure.

Minimum eligibility requirements include:

  • C/CMSgt or above

  • Must have earned Encampment credit

  • Must have previously served on cadet staff

Ideal Phoenix Unit cadets have the following qualities:

  • Exceptional communications skills

  • Ability to complete tasks and projects independently and as a team member

  • Commitment to Civil Air Patrol as a cadet and as an Anoka member

  • Flexibility and willingness to interact with cadets and seniors

  • Experience on Encampment or MLA cadet staff or as team leaders in programs like Cadet Competition, CyberPatriot, StellarXplorers

  • Continued commitment to advancing in the cadet program, meeting Anoka’s minimum expectations of 2 promotions in any 12 month period.

Cadets must apply to be accepted into Phoenix Unit.
Application does not guarantee acceptance. This is an exclusive, competitive program.

To apply:

  • Interested cadets should submit a letter of interest to Maj Albright via email

  • No interviews will be conducted for Phoenix Unit applicants; your letter of interest is your application.

  • Include why you feel you are a good fit for this program and what tasks or projects you feel you could work on to benefit the unit as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), including the details above, other information about this pilot program and a general visual org chart can be viewed here. 

Applications for Phoenix Unit Commander are open April 19-26.
To apply, please submit your letter of interest via email to Maj Albright
The application window closes April 26 at 2100.