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Senior Staff | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Senior Staff

Squadron Commander: Maj Ryan Kenny
Deputy Commander: Lt Col Mary Albright
Advisor to the Commander: Maj Patrick Wolfgram

Deputy Commander for Cadets: Lt Col Mary Albright
Asst Deputy Commander for Cadets: Capt Caitlin Albright

Deputy Commander for Seniors: Maj Corey Bonk

Squadron NCO: SMSgt Michael Topel

Activities Officer: Maj Patrick Wolfgram
Asst Activities Officer: SMSgt Michael Topel

Administrative Officer: TSgt Laurel Dinneen
Asst Administrative Officer: Maj Robert Mallia

Aerospace Education Officer: Lt Col Mary Albright
Asst Aerospace Education Officer: 1st Lt James Florman
Asst Aerospace Education Officer: 2d Lt Joe Gmitter
Asst Aerospace Education Officer: 2d Lt Sharon Morris
Asst Aerospace Education Officer: SMSgt Michael Topel

Squadron Leadership Officer: 1st Elise Doble
Asst Squadron Leadership Officer: Capt Caitlin Albright

Character Development Instructor: Maj Patrick Wolfgram

Communications Officer: 1st Lt Shane Stambaugh
Asst Communications Officer: Maj Robert Mallia
Asst Communications Officer: SMSgt Michael Topel
Asst Communications Officer: 2d Lt Sharon Morris
Asst Communications Officer: 2d Lt Deb Karp

Emergency Services Officer: 1st Lt Nate Bostrom
Asst Emergency Services Officer: 1st Lt James Florman
Asst Emergency Services Officer: Lt Col Antonio Rossini
Asst Emergency Services Officer: 1st Lt Shane Stambaugh
Asst Emergency Services Officer: 1st Lt Elise Doble

Asst Emergency Services Training Officer: Lt Col Antonio Rossini

Search & Rescue Officer: Maj Patrick Wolfgram
Asst Search & Rescue Officer: Lt Col Antonio Rossini

Disaster Preparedness Officer: Lt Col Antonio Rossini

Finance Officer: Capt Michael Fischer

Historian: 2d Lt Sharon Morris

Information Technologies Officer: 1st Lt Rob Zielinski

Logistics Officer: 
Asst Logistics Officer: Capt Jill Dahlstrom

Maintenance Officer: Open

Supply Officer: 1st Lt Nate Bostrom
Asst Supply Officer: Capt Jill Dahlstrom
Asst Supply Officer: 1st Lt James Florman
Asst Supply Officer: SSgt Michael Smith

Transportation Officer: 1st Lt Ethan Campbell
Asst Transportation Officer: Capt Jill Dahlstrom
Asst Transportation Officer: SSgt Michael Smith
Asst Transportation Officer: 2d Lt Nathan Mace

Personnel Officer: Maj Corey Bonkj
Asst Personnel Officer: Capt Michael Fischer

Education & Training Officer: SMSgt Michael Topel
Asst Education & Training Officer: Lt Col Mary Albright
Asst Education & Training Officer: Maj Ryan Kenny
Asst Education & Training Officer: Maj Corey Bonk

Public Affairs Officer: 2d Lt Sharon Morris
Asst Public Affairs Officer: Lt Col Mary Albright

Recruiting Officer: 1st Lt Steven Boudouris
Asst Recruiting Officer: Capt Zophia Raleigh

Operations Officer: 1st Lt Steven Boudouris
Asst Operations Officer: 1st Lt James Florman
Asst Operations Officer: Maj Ryan Kenny
Asst Operations Officer: 2d Lt Jerome Skierka

Alerting Officer: Lt Col Antonio Rossini

Testing Officer: Lt Col Mary Albright
Asst Testing Officer: Capt Caitlin Albright
Asst Testing Officer: 1st Lt Shane Stambaugh
Asst Testing Officer: 1st Lt Nathan Bostrom
Asst Testing Officer: 1st Lt Rob Zielinski
Asst Testing Officer: 2d Lt Jeremiah O’Leary
Asst Testing Officer: 2d Lt Sharon Morris
Asst Testing Officer: Maj Corey Bonk
Asst Testing Officer: SSgt Michael Smith
Asst Testing Officer: SMSgt Michael Topel

Safety Officer: Capt Jody Veek
Asst Safety Officer: TSgt Laurel Dinneen
Asst Safety Officer: 2d Lt Jeremiah O’Leary

Web Security Administrator: 1st Lt Rob Zielinski
Asst Web Security Administrator: Lt Col Mary Albright