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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Cadet Exec Applications for 22nd MNWG CTG Are Open

Encampment is now accepting applications for the following CADET positions: CTG Commander CTG Deputy Commander CTS Squadron Commanders CTG Executive Officer Leadership Officer Academic Officer Head of Dining ALC Cadet Commander ALC Deputy Commander ALC Executive...

2021 Anoka Awards Nominations are open

Anoka Squadron Year End Award Nominations are now open. Nomination form Please read carefully: We ask that you use this form to nominate your fellow squadron members for their CAP work for the 2021 calendar year. We want YOUR input so we can recognize the work of your...

2019 Back to School Night Sign Ups

It’s that time of year when Back to School nights are being scheduled at our local schools. Anoka is fortunate to be invited to attend as many as 11 events this year.  But that means we need shifts at these events staffed by cadets and adults. It’s super...