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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Today’s Cadets, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Today’s Cadets, Tomorrow’s Leaders: The Civic Leadership Academy Shapes the Nation’s Youth C/Maj Iva Hammitt 3 March 2019 Have you ever wondered about the inner workings of the CIA or the Pentagon? Have you ever asked yourself what it would feel like to stand in front...

2019 MNWG Encampment General Info

Since there are 40+ Anoka cadets that need Encampment, Anoka has put together a general info sheet for cadets and parents. Please review this information as soon as possible. If you have questions about attending Encampment in 2019, we want to answer those as soon as...

2019 MNWG Encampment Activity Dates

From LtCol Ellen Browning, MNWG Encampment Activity Director: Cadre Selection Exercise (CSE) Feb 22 – 24, 2019. The CSE is where staff is selected for Encampment. To be eligible to apply, you must have attended an Encampment. The Cadre Training Weekend (CTW)...