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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

New Anoka Cadet of the Quarter Program

Starting June 2018, Anoka County Composite Squadron has a Cadet of the Quarter Program. Cadets in the Airman phase are eligible to earn this award through Performance, Activity and Service. See the program details here: Cadet of the Quarter

2018 Cadet Change of Command & Summer Awards Night

Thanks to everyone who attended our Cadet Change of Command & Summer Awards Night on June 5, 2018. Highlights included: C/1stLt Elise Doble relinquished command to C/Capt Evan McNair Earhart Awards presented to C/Capt Iva Hammit, C/Capt Evan McNair and C/Capt...

20 days left to Soak the Staff

As of June 10, 2018, you need 29 promotions to achieve the Soak The Staff Challenge! 50+ cadets have served time in grade. Take your tests. Advance your training and education to be the best you can be. AND guess what?  You only need to recruit 2 more cadets and Maj...

2018 MNWG Encampment Applications are open

Applications for Basic Learning Course (BLC) for 1st year students and Advanced Learning Course are now open for the 2017 MNWG Encampment. Go here for the full detailed instructions. Read that page entirely. Be sure to get all your forms filled out and submitted on...

StellarXplorers V Team Forming

2018-2019 StellarX teams are forming now. What is StellarXplorers (StellarX)? StellarX is the National High School Space Challenge. STELLARXPLORERS inspires and attracts high school students to pursue studies and careers in science, technology, engineering, and...