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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

AOPA Flight Scholarships For Cadets

AOPA is accepting applications for three scholarship programs that will help fund flight training. Two of the scholarships help student pilots earn their private pilot certificate, and the third program helps current pilots who are working toward an advanced...

Anoka CyberPatriot Team #1 Gold Team in Minnesota

The Badger Battalion is recognized at the 1st Place Gold Tier Team in the State of Minnesota for the 2017-2018 CyberPatriot X season. Congratulations to our team: C/Capt Iva Hammitt C/SMSgt Yelizar Dergachev C/SMSgt Alex Clark C/TSgt William Walker Gold Semifinal...

Recruiting Opportunity with MNWG – Feb 26 and 27

From MNWG Recruiting & Retention Officer 1stLt Dennis Swanson: This year, MN Wing will set up a recruiting booth THREE home-school events, and the first one is upon us! At your unit meetings between now and 26-Feb, I am requesting that you announce the need for...

Recruiting Opportunity with MNWG on March 3, 2018

From MNWG Recruiting & Retention: CAP was notified about the opportunity set up a booth at the Government on Display Expo on 03-March at Rosedale Mall. I am looking for someone who might be available to take the lead on this event. (I have a family event that...