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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

2018 St Cloud Annual Lock In Announcement

Announcement from LtCol Warnke: It’s time once again for the St Cloud Lock-in! The St Cloud Composite Squadron will be hosting its annual Lock-in from 1800 on Sat. Mar. 3rd – 0600 on Sunday Mar. 4th. To register you can go to this...

2018 Wing Volleyball Competition

Announcement from Maj Pierson, Wing Director of Cadet Programs MN Wing, It’s that time of year again! The MN Wing Volleyball Tournament will be at St Cloud State’s Halenbeck Field House on the 3rd of March. Registration fee for the Volleyball Competition is $60 per...

Aerospace Lock IN – March 30, 2018

Hello Anoka! After a long process, we’ve finally been able to secure the Blaine City Hall on March 30 for the Aerospace Lock In. However, since that’s Easter weekend, we want your input to see if we have enough cadets and adults willing and available to...

Anoka Squadron CyberPatriot Team Earn Gold Level Placement

Anoka’s CyberPatriot team, The Badger Battalion, has earned a Gold Level placement in the CyberPatriot X competition. Congratulations to our team members: C/SMSgt Alex Clark C/SMSgt Yelizar Dergachev C/1stLt Iva Hammitt C/SSgt William Walker This is...