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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Anoka Squadron StellarX Team Makes National Quarter Finals

Congratulation to the Phoenix Squadron, Anoka’s StellarXplorers team, for qualifying for the National Quarter Finals in the StellarXplorers Competition. Our team members are: C/SSgt Michael Belair C/SMSgt Yelizar Dergachev C/TSgt Jordan Norwood C/SSgt Kyle Wicht...

MN Wing Award Nominations Due 31 Dec 2017

Minnesota Wing Team, It’s that time of year to recognize members of the Minnesota Wing that you think have gone above and beyond! You don’t have to be a unit commander to nominate someone! Any member of MN Wing can nominate any other member of MN Wing. Nominations...

2017 Squadron Year End Award Winners List

Congratulations to all the squadron award winners recognized at our Dining Out on December 5, 2017 Administration Officer of the Year: Robert Mallia Aerospace Education Cadet Officer of the Year: Elise Doble Cadet Programs Officer of the Year: Todd Voit Chaplain of...

2018 MNWG Encampment Info – Updated 12.10.17

2018 MNWG Encampment Information Website: www.mncadetprograms.org What is Encampment? Encampment is an intense, week-long training program providing foundational training for Civil Air Patrol cadets.  Encampment credit is required to become a cadet officer and earn...