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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Anoka Color Guard Honors Veterans at Veteran’s Day Events

The Anoka Color Guard was pleased to serve and honor our Veterans at two separate Veteran’s Day events in Brooklyn Center and White Bear Lake. From left to right: Levi Voit, Carter Dahlstrom, Michael Wolfgram, Noah Hampton From left to right: Levi Voit, Carter...

2017 Squadron Award Nominations

Please nominate your fellow squadron members. Nomination form Use this form to nominate your fellow squadron members for their CAP work for the 2017 calendar year. We want YOUR input so we can recognize the work of your peers. You can nominate any Anoka squadron...

2017 Winter/Spring Cadet Staff Applications are open

Anoka Cadet Staff Applications are now openĀ until Sun Nov 12 at 9pm. The next staff rotation will begin Tues, Dec 5, 2017 and end on Tues, May 29, 2018. Positions open include Administration Aerospace Education Chaplain’s Assistant Digital Marketing Coordinator...

MNWG Encampment Executive Staff Applications are open

Encampment is now accepting applications for the following CADET positions: CTG Commander CTG Deputy Commander CTS Squadron Commanders CTG Executive Officer Leadership Officer Head of Dining CTG Deputy Commander for Advanced Training ALC Deputy Commander ALC Executive...

Cadet Exec Staff Applications Are Open

Anoka Cadet Executive Staff Applications are now open Positions that can be applied for at this time include: Cadet Commander Deputy Cadet Commander Cadet Executive Officer Position descriptions and responsibilities can be viewed here Click this link to start a Cadet...