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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

MLA Student Applications are now open

Cadets and Parents – Minnesota Leadership Academy (MLA) Student Applications are now open. All cadets are eligible to attend this training. When: Oct 18-Oct 22 (Over MEA Break) Where: Camp Ripley There are 3 schools: Airman Training School (ATS)  Who should go:...

NCR Honor Academy Cadet Staff Applications Open

Shared from the North Central Region: NCR is looking for cadet staff members for the NCR Cadet Honor Academy held 3-5 November at Camp Ripley, MN. Positions that will be filled include Cadet Deputy Director, Instructors, and Public Affairs. There are no minimum...

NCR Honor Academy Registration is open

North Central Region Cadet Honor Academy Registration Open! 3-5 November 2017 Camp Ripley, Minnesota The Cadet Honor Academy is an opportunity for you to learn more about color guard. This training will give you all the tools you need to create a thriving color guard...

Guest Speaker on Aug 15: Maj Nicole Mitchell

Anoka is so excited to have this guest speaker visiting our squadron on Aug 15. Nicole Mitchell is a Major in the Air Force Reserve and serves as a Weather Officer for the Hurricane Hunters.   She’s also the newest meteorologist with KSTP-TV. Previous Experience...