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Mary | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Seniors: CLC and Intermediate TLC – Oct 19-22

From Wing Announcements: Good Afternoon Minnesota Wing, I am happy to announce that for the first time  for Minnesota Leadership Academy at Camp Ripley, we are hosting the 1st Senior Leadership Course (SLC).  This year at the SLC, we will be offering the Intermediate...

Cadets – The CAC needs your input by June 10, 2017

Cadets – Your input needed! The Cadet Advisory Council (CAC) has been asked to go to their individual squadrons with this request from the Wing Commander.   “If you had an almost unlimited budget to build a Wing Headquarters for CAP, what are the top ten...

Encampment Applications due this Fri 5/26/17

2017 MNWG Encampment Applications for Basic Learning Course (BLC) for 1st year students and Advanced Learning Course close on May 26 Go here for the full detailed instructions. Read that page entirely. Be sure to get all your forms filled out and submitted on time....

May 30 Blue Moon – We need your RSVP

Blue Moon is on Tues. May 30. We’re having a potluck. Everyone bring a dish to share. You also should bring your own juice, soda or water. The squadron commander will be grilling burgers and dogs. But we need you to RSVP with the number of friends and family you...

Announcing Summer/Fall Cadet Staff Selections

We’re pleased to announce the incoming cadet staff that have been selected for the next term. They’ll rotate in after the June 13th Change of Command. Aerospace Education: C/SSgt Yelizar Dergachev Emergency Services: C/A1C Lydia Wilson Recruiting &...