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News | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Anoka Training Event – Sat July 25, 2020

To provide our cadets with foundational training this summer, Anoka is organizing a training event loosely based on the Saturday schedule of an Encampment Prep School (EPS). This training event/mini EPS is scheduled for Sat. July 25 at the Anoka Squadron Building in...

2020 Summer/Fall Cadet Staff Applications Open through May 10

The Anoka County Composite Squadron is pleased to introduce the newly selected Cadet Executive Staff Team: Cadet Commander: C/Capt Kayla Wayman Executive Officer: C/2dLt Elizabeth Ostenson Deputy Cadet Commander – C/1stLt Giselle Johnson Deputy Cadet Commander...

2020-2021 Anoka Cadet Exec Staff Applications Open

Cadet Executive Staff positions are typically a 12-month term (June 2020-May 2021)* * Squadron leadership may ask some cadet executive staff members to rotate positions at 6 months Cadet Executive Staff Positions that can be applied for include: Cadet Commander Cadet...

Announcing the Launch of Phoenix Unit

Introducing Phoenix Unit Anoka continues to have a robust cadet program with a large number of experienced cadets active within the squadron. We are creating a test program (commonly known as a pilot program when trying something new) to provide additional leadership...

Joint ICUT and Comms Training – Sat Feb 29

Joint ICUT certification and COMM training day after the certification for those interested in learning more about COMM and using the MICOM3 HF van mounted radios. This activity will be open to both seniors and cadets! Anoka is doing this joint training with North...

Intermediate Training Leaders of Cadets – Sat. Mar 7, 2020

Senior Members – We want you! Sign up to attend the Intermediate Training Leaders of Cadets (TLC) course on Sat. Mar 7, 2020 from 0830-1700 at the Anoka Squadron Building. Why attend TLC? Every senior member in every role contributes to the success of the cadet...

2020 MNWG Volleyball Lock In Announcement

From our friends at St Cloud Composite Squadron: It’s that time of year again – the 2020 Lock-In is just around the corner! As the cadet project officer this year I want to make sure that both senior members and cadets have a safe, enjoyable, and...

Cadet Exec Applications for 22nd MNWG CTG Are Open

Encampment is now accepting applications for the following CADET positions: CTG Commander CTG Deputy Commander CTS Squadron Commanders CTG Executive Officer Leadership Officer Academic Officer Head of Dining ALC Cadet Commander ALC Deputy Commander ALC Executive...