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Cadet Exec Applications for 22nd MNWG CTG Are Open | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Encampment is now accepting applications for the following CADET positions:

  • CTG Commander
  • CTG Deputy Commander
  • CTS Squadron Commanders
  • CTG Executive Officer
  • Leadership Officer
  • Academic Officer
  • Head of Dining
  • ALC Cadet Commander
  • ALC Deputy Commander
  • ALC Executive Officer

Any cadet wishing to apply should email the following to Lt Col Andrew Dew at captdewmnwg@gmail.com no later than end of day December 22nd, 2019.

  1. Email listing all positions you are applying for and your preferred order of positions.
  2. CAP Resume
  3. Letter of Interest (written in CAP Memorandum Format IAW CAPR 10-1) explaining your goals for the positions applied for.

It is important that applicants be familiar with CAPP 60-70 (Nov 2019 Updated), the Cadet Encampment Guide, along with all the MN Wing Encampment Operating Instructions and Pamphlets, specifically:  MN ENC P CADRE SELECTION and MN ENC P CADRE REDUCTION AND ADDITION (the link to all OIs and Pamphlets are listed at the bottom of this email). These list the minimum qualifications and expectations.  Pay special attention to anything highlighted in Yellow or Gray.  The yellow is specific to the selection process and the gray area are changes from last revision. Applicants will be notified if they have been selected for an interview on or before December 28th, 2019.

All applicants for CTG CC, CD, XO also make yourself familiar with CAPR60-1, 9.5, the new Encampment Visitor Program and share your thoughts/plans during your interview.

All applicants should also be available to attend all Encampment activities, they take place during the following dates, if there are any conflicts let me know when sending in your applications:

Cadre Selection Exercise, Feb 14-16

Cadre Training Weekend, Mar 26-29 (Thur-Sun)

Encampment Prep School, May 29-31

Encampment, July 24-Aug 2 (CTG CC, CD, XO, ALC CC arrive July 23)

Interviews for CTG Commander, CTG Deputy Commander (C/CD), CTG Executive Officer (C/CCE) and Commander for Advanced Training (C/CDA) on Saturday, January 4th, 2019 in the morning somewhere in the Twin Cities. The selection committee will interview all CTG Commander applicants first and make a selection.  Applicants not chosen will not have to re-interview for the remaining positions they applied for.  The chosen applicant for CTG Commander will sit on the remaining interviews if desired. (Skype Interviews are also available)

On Sunday, January 5th, 2019, interviews will be held for the CTS Squadron Commanders (Sq/CC), Leadership Officer, Academic Officer, ALC Deputy Commander (ALC/Sq/CC), ALC Executive Officer (ALC/CCE), and Head of Dining (unless previously interviewed on January 4th).  If any members or applicants cannot attend in person, Skype will be available.

The board will recommend its selections to the Commandant.  The C/CC will be consulted by the Commandant. Some positions may not be filled until after the CSE.

Good luck to all applicants.

If you have any questions about the application process, please e-mail me.

Here is the OI on Cadre Selection.

Here is the OI on Cadre Reduction and Addition.