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Cadet Staff Position Descriptions | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Anoka Composite Squadron Cadet Position Descriptions - Updated 10.28.18

Cadet Commander
Reports to the Deputy Commander for Cadets

The Cadet Commander is the most visible cadet, a role model for the entire cadet corps. The Cadet Commander works closely with the Deputy Commander for Cadets and is the primary liaison between the cadet staff and senior staff. The Cadet Commander serves a 1 year term from June-May.

The Cadet Commander, together with the Cadet Executive Staff, works with the Deputy Commander for Cadets to determine cadet programming topics for the next executive term.  This executive planning session takes place in late April, immediately after selection of the Cadet Executive Staff.

The Cadet Commander, together with the Cadet Executive Staff, participates in staff interviews twice per year and makes recommendations to the Deputy Commander for Cadets for staff placement for each term.

The Cadet Commander sits on new member boards, Phase IV cadet promotion boards and promotion boards for the Cadet Executive Officer and Cadet Deputy Commander.  This cadet reserves the right to be the executive cadet on any other cadet promotion board, though this is usually delegated to the Deputy Cadet Commander or Cadet Executive Officer.

The Cadet Commander conducts promotion ceremonies (pinnings) during each weekly meeting and commands all squadron formations.

Cadet officers, especially Phase IV cadets, are preferred for cadet executive positions.  Cadet Executive Staff will be expected to do some work outside squadron meetings.

Deputy Cadet Commander
Reports to the Cadet Commander

The Deputy Cadet Commander’s role is fully determined by the Cadet Commander, who delegates certain responsibilities to that role. The following are typical responsibilities for the Deputy Cadet Commander:

  • Responsible for mentoring and overseeing the command staff positions of the Anoka Composite Squadron.

  • Responsible for making sure all flight staff have weekly flight plans that meet the standard for their specific flights.

  • Is the cadet executive staff representative for most promotion boards involving flight members and command staff

  • Participates in squadron formation with the Cadet Commander as directed

  • Together with the Cadet Executive Staff, sits on interview boards for new cadet staff twice per year and offers input on staff selection and placement

  • Assumes responsibility of the Cadet Commander in that cadet’s absence.

Cadet officers, especially Phase IV cadets, are preferred for cadet executive positions.

Executive Staff will be expected to do some work outside squadron meetings.

Executive Officer
Reports to the Cadet Commander

The Cadet Executive Officer is responsible for the cadet support staff positions.

  • This cadet mentors the support staff and makes sure all staff actions are completed in a timely manner.

  • The Cadet Executive Officer ensures that cadets teaching a class have

    • planned in advance,

    • submitted their class at least one week ahead of time and

    • are prepared to teach.

  • The primary positions teaching classes include Aerospace Education, Emergency Services and Leadership.

  • Sits on promotion boards as the executive staff member for all support staff

  • Together with the Cadet Executive Staff, sits on interview boards for new cadet staff twice per year and offers input on staff selection and placement

  • Participates in squadron formation with the Cadet Commander as directed

  • Mentors and works with the Recruiting cadet on the Fall and Spring Membership events

  • If the Deputy Cadet Commander position is not filled, the Cadet Executive Officer may assume the responsibility of Cadet Commander in that cadet’s absence.

Executive Staff will be expected to do some work outside squadron meetings.

Orientation Flight (O-Flight) Coordinator
Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

Responsibilities include managing weekly o-flight requests, sending weekly email messages to cadets to fill the available o-flights, communicating with pilots to confirm availability and coordinating pilot and cadets to execute the regular o-flight programming.  This cadet must be willing to use technology and is committed to being highly organized.

Reports to Cadet Executive Officer.

This position has regular weekly responsibilities during flight time.  The best fit for this position are cadets who are senior NCOs or cadet officers.

Responsibilities include:

  • Create personnel folders for new cadets as they join CAP

  • File Form 60s and CAPF 2s in personnel folder

  • Manage and update the Promotion White Board in the lower level classroom
  • Manage cadet attendance check-in
  • Acting as a Duty Cadet as directed by the Executive Staff
  • Participates in flight time training as often as possible

Aerospace Education
Reports to the Executive Officer

Responsibilities include preparing for and leading Aerospace Education classes once per month.  Topics will be planned out for the entire rotation with input from the Senior Aerospace Education Officer and submitted up the chain of command once complete.

The best fit for this position are cadets who are cadet officers. Cadets with a strong interest in aerospace and STEM are encouraged to apply.

Topics should vary and can include:













Working on the NEW Cyber Badge and STEM Badge is encouraged.

Field trips on non-meeting nights are encouraged once during the rotation if possible.

Work with the Senior AE to arrange field trips. Possible field trip options could include:

-Tour of National Guard Base Tour of CSE @ UMN
-Activities for National Space Day in May Activities for National Astronomy Day
-Tour of Air Traffic Control Tower Tour of Regional Air Traffic Control (Farmington)

The AE cadet is also the AE Team Lead. Responsible for Team Meetings on the 1st and 2nd Tuesdays.  Responsible for making sure someone is teaching the AE class each month.

NEW! Emergency Services & Cadet Project Officer for DAD
Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

For the Spring term, this cadet will be responsible for working with the Senior ES officer on monthly training programs. This may include a monthly 1st Tues ES class and monthly UBX (unit based exercise) activities.  This cadet will also be the primary Cadet Project Officer for Discover Aviation Days. The ideal candidate will have flight line marshalling experience at airshows. The best fit for this position are cadet officers with flight line marshalling experience.  Other cadets with flight line marshalling or ES skills and experience are encouraged to apply.

ES cadet is also the ES Team Lead. Responsible for Team Meetings on the 1st and 2nd Tuesdays.

Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

Responsibilities include mentoring staff members, overseeing new member mentoring, assisting with drill & PT testing.   This position is ideal for experienced cadet officers. Phase IV cadets are preferred.

The Leadership Cadet is also the Leadership Team Lead.  Responsible for team meetings on the 1st and 2nd Tuesdays of the month.

Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

Responsibilities include assisting the Logistics Officer with uniforms, insignia and ribbons.  This role will interface with new members as they are trying to figure out their uniform needs as well as existing members when they need to trade in insignia for a promotion.  Ideally, we need both a male and female cadet for a total of 2 Logistics Cadets.

Cadet Logistics may also assist with building maintenance and supply including creating and managing standard cleaning plans in cooperation with Senior staff.

Public Affairs - Social Media
Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

Responsibilities include sharing squadron information via social media in a professional manner as a manager for the squadron Facebook Page and Instagram accounts. This position will have some responsibilities during the squadron meeting (eg posting live to social media on behalf of Anoka CAP), but will perform some duties outside the squadron meeting. You'll also work with the Senior PAO to promote CAP to the community.

The best fit for this position is a cadet officer, a cadet who is social media savvy with a high degree of professionalism or a cadet with an interest in a career in social media management.

This cadet or team of cadets will be members of the Recruiting & Retention team.

Public Affairs - Website
Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

Responsibilities include updating and adding information to the anokacap.com website. This position will perform most duties outside the squadron meeting. The best fit for this position is a cadet officer or a cadet who has an interest in IT, Wordpress websites or a career in web design and management.

This cadet or team of cadets will be members of the Recruiting & Retention team.

Recruiting & Retention
Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

Responsibilities include being the project officer for the Fall or Spring Membership Event. This cadet will oversee the marketing of the event, staffing, booths and follow up.  This cadet will perform some of his/her duties outside the squadron meeting.  This cadet will also assist in welcoming new cadets and families during first visits and will work with the Senior Recruiting Officer as needed as well as encourage and support existing cadets where needed and directed by Cadet Executive Staff and the Deputy Commander for Cadets. This position requires a cadet who can communicate enthusiastically and professionally about CAP to prospective members as well as act in a mentoring capacity to existing members.

The best fit for this position is a cadet NCO or officer, a cadet who is comfortable speaking to new and existing members and/or a cadet who is passionate about advocating for CAP.

This cadet will be the Team Lead for the Recruiting & Retention Team.  Responsible for leading R&R Team Meetings on the 1st and 2nd Tuesdays of the month.

Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

Responsibilities include preparing and delivering a monthly safety presentation on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Primary safety cadet for squadron meetings, including outdoor activities.

Flight Commander
Reports to the Deputy Cadet Commander

Responsibilities include leading a flight of cadets each week in small group training.  The Flight Commander will develop a flight plan (training plan) for each week of the rotation. Training plans should be relevant to the cadets in the flight with the goal of supporting and developing skill sets so flight members can promote consistently through the cadet program and be prepared for the next steps.

This cadet mentors and works with the assigned Flight Sergeant to deliver relevant training based on the cadets in the flight.  During promotion boards, this cadet fill out Form 60s in evaluation of cadet performance and sits on the board for cadets in his/her flight.  The Flight Commander may delegate sitting on promotion boards to the Flight Sergeant as needed. The Flight Commander is responsible for consistent communication with the flight members and Flight Sergeant.

If the squadron has a Deputy Cadet Commander, Flight Commanders may report directly to that cadet.

Flight Sergeant
Reports to the Flight Commander

Responsibilities include delivering training to a flight of cadets each week under the direction of the Flight Commander.  This cadet should feel comfortable speaking to small groups and instructing cadet programming topics.  The ideal Flight Sergeant is an NCO who has attended Encampment.

First Sergeant
Reports to the Cadet Commander

Responsibilities include running opening and closing formation, acting as Aide-de-Camp to the Cadet Commander, leading PT and inspections. The First Sergeant calls the room for closing announcements and reads the attention to orders during promotions.This cadet is expected to be among the top NCOs in the squadron and an example of crisp professionalism and excellent drill and ceremonies.

Assistant to the Deputy Commander for Cadets
Reports to the Cadet Executive Officer

This position is exclusively for advanced Phase IV cadets, especially those who have already served a term as Cadet Commander. The duties for this position will vary depending on the needs of the Deputy Commander for Cadets and squadron programming.  Cadets wanting to serve in this role must have impeccable professionalism, character and maturity.

Duties may include managing the cadet of the month program, updating the cadet roster for executive use and special projects as delegated by the Deputy Commander for Cadets.

This position is considered a project position.  Cadets in this role will be in the cadet chain of command to the Cadet Executive Officer for the purposes of formation.  However, direction for this role will be the sole responsibility of the Deputy Commander for Cadets.  Cadets in this role must understand and accept that they are part of the cadet corps and as such, still respect the cadet chain of command.