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MN Joint Task Force Training – April 12-15 and April 27-30 | Anoka County Composite Squadron
From Wing Announcements:
The Minnesota Task Force has requested assistance from CAP for their training. The training will be at 1683 Energy Park Drive in Roseville. They are looking for bodies, literally. The exercise will be individuals in need of medical care. This volunteer opportunity is open to any Senior or Cadet who has completed the GES 116. Their schedule for volunteers required is as follows:
Apr 12-Apr 15 – 08:00-17:00
April 12: 3 role players
April 13: 3 role players
April 14: 3 role players
April 15: 7 role players
Apr 27-Apr 30 – 10:00-16:00
April 27-30th: 4 role players each day and aerial photography.
Specifics on the aerial photography are still being drafted and may vary depending on weather, crew and equipment. Air crew will be tested on how quickly they can deliver images to the MN Task Force.
Please use the Sign Up Genius Link if you are able to volunteer. Volunteers should expect to provide their own transportation and lunch. UOD will be ABU.
All slots must be filled no later than 23:59 on 4 April, 2022.