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NRA Class – July 22 | Anoka County Composite Squadron

Cadets and Parents,

Anoka has arranged for an NRA First Steps Rifle Class on Sat. July 22.
NRA Master Instructor Don Raleigh will lead this course.

Cadets who successfully complete the course will earn the right to wear the NRA Badge on their Blues uniforms.

Cost:  $37.  Please pay by check made out to MyGun.com

Date: Sat. July 22

Class Size is limited to 25 Anoka Cadets

Class Schedule:
0730 Arrival and Check-In at Anoka Squadron Building
Class must start on time so we get enough range time.
Be courteous and arrive on time.

0800 Class Starts.
1200 Classroom portion ends.

Travel to Metro Gun Club for practical portion of course.
10601 Naples St NE, Blaine, MN 55449

Parents – we need your assistance with transportation to the range
1215-1400 Range portion of the course

There is a hard stop at 1400.  We only have the lanes until that time.
If you don’t stay at the range, please return by 1350 so our seniors and instructor can depart on time as well.

What students should bring:

Full water bottle and bag lunch
CAPF31 filled out and signed by parents*  – you are expected to turn this in to C/2dLt Hahn upon arrival
(If you are 18+, parent signature is not required)
All other release forms as found on the NRA Registration Site.

Uniform of the Day:  ABU/BDU

Register on the NRA Class site.
Registration is limited to Anoka Squadron Cadets, but will be opened up to other squadrons if class is not filled.
You can leave the BSA fields blank; those do not apply.

Questions should be directed to Cadet Project Officer C/2dLt Cullen Hahn.