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Senior Leadership Course (SLC) Applications Now Open | Anoka County Composite Squadron

2017 Minnesota Leadership Academy
Senior Leadership Course (SLC)
Training Leaders of Cadets (TLC): Friday, October 20
Corporate Learning Course (CLC): 1900 Friday, October 20 through Sunday, October 22

To apply, follow this link.  NOTE: After you complete the online MNCAP application and pay, you will be redirected to a Google Form.  If you don’t get the Google Form, follow this link.

Student Applications will be open from Friday, August 18, 2017 through Friday, September 22, 2017.

Location: Camp Ripley, 15000 MN-115, Little Falls, MN 56345

Intermediate Training Leaders of Cadets (TLC) (Friday from 0900-1800)

The Intermediate TLC is the second step in the TLC program and is targeted for those who have completed the Old TLC course or the New Basic TLC Course.  For seniors who are looking to dive deeper into a knowledge of the cadet program or looking to assist their squadrons, Intermediate TLC is a critical need.  Anyone who interacts with cadets, whether pilots, ground team leaders, squadron commanders, or logistics officer will benefit from a TLC.

Reasons to attend the TLC

  1. A requirement for a Senior Rating in Cadet Programs,
  2. If rated in Cadet Programs, a requirement for Level III and earning the grade of Captain
  3. A requirement that every have squadron with cadets have at LEAST two seniors trained under TLC
  4. Required at least once every two years for cadet programs officers once the new CAPR 52-16 is released

Corporate Learning Course (CLC) (Friday at 1900 to Sunday at 1200)
The CLC is an important step in a senior members professional development for those who have graduated Squadron Leadership School (SLS). CLC discusses the relationship the CAP squadron has with the wing.  Specifically, CLC discusses how wing-level operations help to accomplish CAP’s three missions of aerospace education, emergency services, and cadet programs. It also provides a fantastic opportunity to network with seniors from around the state and develop relationships to share ideas, build up your squadron, and provide more opportunities for yourself and others in your squadron.

Reasons to attend the CLC:

  1. Requirement for Competition of Level III in the Senior Member Professional Development Program
  2. Requirement for the Grade of Captain (or Major if you are under the grandfathered promotion requirements, which expires August 2018)
  3. Develop and foster communicate and relationships between squadrons
  4. Interact with the next generation of cadet leaders

Reminder, All those who have graduated from Squadron Leadership Schools (SLS) are eligible to attend CLC.

Course Fees includes meals, BOQ lodging, and course materials.

TLC $35

CLC $40

Lodging options
BOQs are Free to stay in. You need to bring your own bedding, shower towel and toiletries.  BOQ Reservation completed via Google Form.

MSQs cost around $30 per night and you will need to make your own reservations if you want to stay in a MSQ.  Contact them directly at (320) 616-3140

If you have any CLC or TLC course questions, please feel free to contact me at m.frame.cap@gmail.com.