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USAF Female Pilot Career Panel – Weds Aug 12, 2020 | Anoka County Composite Squadron

The USAF Female Pilot Panel event brought to the North Central Region by CAP NHQ Diversity and Inclusion Office, CAP-USAF Reservists, and CAP NHQ Aerospace Education will take place LIVE on Microsoft Teams Wednesday, 12 August 2020 from 1800-1900 Central Time.

All cadets of the NCR are invited to this FREE event. This virtual meeting will allow NCR cadets to listen to the stories of these pilots- hearing how they became interested in flying, what pathways they took to get there, what they have flown, and the life experiences they have learned along the way. Cadets will be able to ask questions in a chat area and the panelists will answer during the event. (For those unanswered questions, the panelists will reply afterward.)

Advanced Registration is Required. Click here to register